June 2, 2024

Dr. Gwyn Williams

Gwyn Williams was born in Neath and grew up in the Dulais and Swansea Valleys, attending Ysgol Gyfyn Ystalyfera. His Father is from Blaendulais and his mother from Gendros in Swansea, not too far from where he lives now in Brynmill with his wife and children. 

Gwyn has always believed in Welsh Independence and campaigned in the 90’s for Yes for Wales. He attended medical school at Kings College in London and now works at Singleton Hospital in Swansea as a consultant ophthalmologist, while also being an honorary associate professor at Swansea University. 

A lifelong believer in the NHS and socialised medicine Gwyn has fought all his career to develop and maintain public provision of healthcare services and undertakes no private work. From 2020-2023 he was Llywydd of the RCOphth in Wales and represented ophthalmology in discussions with the Welsh Government. 

He enjoys writing, reading and hiking and recently completed a long term project to walk the entirety of the Wales Coast Path, and started his assault on Offa’s Dyke. The only way to rescue our country from the clutches of Westminster politics is national independence and Gwyn believes that the People of Wales are more than well enough equipped to join the community of free nations on an equal footing. 

My Pledge to Swansea
• Oppose NHS privatisation and fight for more doctors, nurses and other medical professionals, supporting Swansea's world class medical school.
• Work to secure homes for all, in a socially just, bilingual and inclusive Wales.
• Make Swansea one of the cleanest cities in Europe. It's time for Plaid Cymru - none of the London-based parties care about our nation.
• Plaid is the only party that puts Wales first - all the others support London rule
• Plaid Cymru seeks independence for our country - there are now 18 independent European nations smaller than Wales, most of them forging ahead economically and leaving us behind.
• Plaid Cymru calls for A Green New Deal to combat climate change and renew the economy.